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A Text Message Vaccine Reminder System Was Developed And Tested For Use During An Influenza Pandemic
Effect of point-of-care influenza tests on antibiotic prescriptions by emergency physicians in a French hospital
Has Influenza Vaccine Efficacy Been Demonstrated in the HIVE Household Cohort Over 8 Years? Is There Evidence of Indirect Protection?
Comparison of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with Influenza in Hospitalized Aged Patients in the United States: Demographic and Severity Indicator variances
The Immune Response To Influenza Vaccination in Cancer-Affected Youngsters
Administering COVID-19, Flu Vaccines Together
Familiar Problems, New Solutions: Combination Tests Will Help Aid Clinicians During This COVID/Flu Season
Influenza-induced Tpl2 expression within alveolar epithelial cells is dispensable for host viral control and anti-viral immunity
Immunopeptidomic analysis of influenza A virus infected human tissues identifies internal proteins as a rich source of HLA ligands
A Test-Negative Study of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness for Prevention of Severe Influenza-Related Morbidity in Adults in The United States, 2019–2020